Internet group for strangers

When in the previous night you slept for 2 hours and your Mom since you were twelve kept reminding you, that human body to work correctly needs 8 hours of sleep then you don't need to be a genius to understand that your Mom probably knows better.
Last night for us was a nightmare, so it's time to make sure night like this never comes again. The first thing we did after leaving a train station was visiting a coffee bar that as I mentioned previously offered coffee for 1,50 euro, so that was an easily reachable target for us to gain access to Wi-fi and also clean ourselves up.
Our Spanish language skills are not at the highest level at the moment so we can honestly tell you that most of the time in this country since we have only been in the South, we are confused about what the f is going on. This situation from the other hand is different because there are not that many coffee shops in Murcia that are open at 06;20 am, so we had an opportunity to see a lot of the first customers in coffee bars.
We didn't even need to be fortune tellers to understand that people are trash-talking behind our backs and they are laughing about us coming to this coffee bar just cause it has Wi-fi. Honestly, it's not Wi-fi only, coffee was also cheap, and the entrance to the toilet was for free so at least that's going on for us.

Jokes aside, at 07:00 am this wasn't a situation where we wanted to find ourselves in, so as soon as we could, we left a place to scavenge the cities downtown in hopes of finding cheap hotels to lay our heads in.
That wasn't working out for us as well but suddenly just like a miracle but our last minute Couchsurfing request was accepted in Totana, mountain village four train stops away from Murcia. Before we realized how blessed we were, a train station's security guard was getting a headache from our questions about the platform where should we wait for the train. One hour later we were already on the way to our next Couchsurfing hosts in Totana, and everything was looking great.
When we arrived in this wild west train station, we had an arranged meeting with them, and before it was possible to count to five, we were already on the road to one of the nicest bars in the city. It was one of the few places in the city where you were able to buy premium Belgian beers, and that sure as hell sounded like a plan to us.
The company that offered to host us was one of the nicest people we had ever met and the whole evening was filled with breathtaking stories and new knowledgeable facts about cultural differences we had. Time wasn't flying as usual, and two-hour discussion felt like four-hour presidential campaign debate. The only thing our stranger hosts told us about their apartment is that it's not great, and it has a mountain view.

We drank few beers and were at our new residence at 23:00 pm, so that was the main reason why we lost our chance to see the spectacular view their garden hides. Who would have thought that stone cold train station benches in few hours would transform into a soft and warm bed? That feeling when clean bedsheets and cozy bed finally touches your skin giving you cold chills is one of those little things that make life so beautiful.
After few minutes when we arrived everyone was so tired and done that nobody bothered to rearrange their messy bag content or to lock the houses doors. One of the hardest days of our journey were slowly fading into our memories, but the impact and the lessons they left us will remain in our minds forever.