One of the coldest nights ever
When all the bridges burn down, what is the one place you'll know you can go to? Yes, that's right - Spain.
If by any means, You, my dear friend, have read our previous post that was like an introduction to all this blog and adventure, then you know, that all of us come from Latvia so this decision from the side can look illogical but don't worry - it will all make sense soon.
Spain is one of those countries you see on travel brochures or your Instagram explore page where one of the cool girls from your previous school just visited because her Daddy at work had a raise. At that moment your imagination and desire kick in and you're fantasizing and even sometimes googling images and researching information about the place while all that time you deeply know that you may never see the mystical scenery and unbelievable weather the country holds.
A few days back we were faced with this big decision where we needed to choose our next destination that could be very strategic. At the end of this big debate driven by fear of missing out on something we just rolled with our hearts and bought last minute deal plane tickets to San Javier Airport, Spain, so You, my dear friend, better buckle up and take a glass of wine or two, cause this is where our journey truly starts.

It's 20:30, Wednesday evening, October 2, 2016. Since nobody of us, geniuses, checked the location of San Javier Airport, we landed in a place that looked like a private Airfield from Netflix tv series "Narcos" where places like this were used to transport drugs cause obviously, even the government didn't know about a place like this. As the taxi driver who looked like John Stamos from "Full House" cast told us there was only a one way how to get away from this God forgotten place - We had to give him 90 euros, and he would take us to the nearest city. None of us were related to Bill Gates, so we had to walk 15 kilometers at the side of the highway. Our bags were getting heavier with every minute, but, nevertheless, we were happy, cause while our douchebag bosses from the previous job were shopping for an electric heat pad, we were walking through a red sand wearing just our t-shirts, covered in sweat and dirt and we were ready to take over the world.
When we got to the nearest city, a.k.a San Javier, our problems weren't solved cause there wasn't any buses or trains going to our next destination and a place where we found a kind stranger who would host us, tropical and tourist forgotten Southern city - Murcia. With no internet connection, no public transport, no Uber app, we were doomed, lost and felt completely vulnerable on these dark, empty city streets. After a big debate between us and weird conversation in the nearest gas station with a guy who bought two bananas and one pack of "Al Capone." cigarettes, we decided to walk 20 km to the closest train station again on the side of the highway. That was one of the worst plans that we had ever executed, but since we had to put back on our winter jackets because it was getting cold again, walking was our only considerable option.
On the way, we stopped at one gas station that was no luck for us and one private transport company where we asked for a chance to sleep in their backyard, no luck again, so just after 6 hours we arrived in a small village which should have a train station. Well, we were right but it wasn't working all night, so this was the first for all of us when we were homeless.
I guess these things just happen and new experiences always knock one your door when you least expect them, right? At 05:30 we had a train to Murcia and the smartest idea was for two of us to go to sleep for 40 min and two of us to stay in overwatch, so our bags doesn't go accidentally missing by some locals. One of the coldest nights ever was spent on train stations bench feeling miserable and heartbroken but as always new day comes with new hope for the grateful ones and already at 06:00 am we were in Murcia, first big city we saw in Spain.
With an internet connection and warm place with coffee just for 1,50 euros came new opportunities, new photography adventures and new strangers who offered to host us, but that's a great story we'll tell you another time. I hope your wine glass is not empty yet cause now when all of us are in a warm place, let's make a toast to the ones who are brave enough to go for what they desire and let's hope that even colder night than this one won't come.