Pastries for hungry travelers

It's funny how our friends from Latvia just keeps asking questions like - "Isn't that awful that you're traveling with no knowledge or sense of where you're going to be tomorrow?" but the thing is that that's the best part about traveling. It's easy to travel when Daddy books you a four-star hotel in Teneriffe but not that easy when you have to plan your public transport routes, destinations, location, and shelter for yourself. Some say that you have to do everything the hard way, so you're able to learn a lot more things rather than going with the easy way, and that is exactly what we stand for.
This journey for us already gave us a fantastic opportunity to make new friends for life and see some spectacular locations that aren't included on Google images section or cheap traveling books you buy on Amazon.

Alright, alright, again with the cliche paragraphs, let's get back to our stories.
After two fantastic days of resting and planning, we're back on the road. Max took us to Totana from where we again took a train to Murcia and this time we decided to leave this region for good. For past few days, we've checked out one useful community page called, and that's one of the top five internet pages you as a traveler should know. With just a little bit of scrolling, we managed to find a "workaway" in Andalucia region, but first, we needed to make sure we don't go homeless again in Murcia, so we found another couch surfer, and we were ready to meet him.
Nothing happens for us in a second, so again we had 5 hours to spare until we have to meet our new buddy. Staying at the train station wasn't the smartest idea, so we wondered for 3 hours around one of the poorest districts in the whole city, and additional 2 hours we spent on dirty, poorly fixed, broken benches on the side of the bus stop. If this day in Murcia would be transcripted to a song, then the name of the song would be "Lesson in Patience." Seriously, no more waiting, please.
Time passed, it was starting to get dark and cold again, and we were still sitting on the side of the road, patiently waiting. After all this clusterfuck we had a phone call from our new buddy that felt like the God was whispering into our ears, because after that many hours spent just wandering the streets, you can go insane. Nevertheless, met him with the smile on our faces and already were on the way to his apartment.
Have we previously discussed some topics about how great are the people on Couchsurfing? I guess not so it's about the time to say some kind words about such and open-minded and amazing people, but let's keep this topic for a different blog article. When we arrived at our hosts' apartment, Juan, (our new host) had already prepared us a delicious lunch and snacks.

Luck smiled on us, and as it turned out, our host was a son of a famous baker in the city, and we couldn't wait to get started on the fresh pastries he had prepared for us. The rest of the night after the lunch was spent into brilliant discussions and finest topics about the language barriers and the quality of english education in the Southern region of Spain. Everything could have been even nicer if we didn't need to catch the first train to Malaga at 04:30 am. This definitely wasn't the last time we were seeing Juan and maybe next time we will have even nicer discussions with no matter of short time included.